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Establishing Balance, Unity and Hope to the World.

Let Us Take You To Higher Grounds

The Universal Intelligence Agency was created to represent international private and government agencies along with public and individual civilians. We service the world by creating, developing and establishing peaceful and successful resolutions through strategic planning followed by action agreements.


Our international intelligence team is comprised of the top men and women from around the world.

Hopeful Versatility  Applications

With agents from around the world we dedicate our lives and expertise to ensure that global peace and stability.

United Data  Acceleration

Communication is the foundation to global stability and U.I.A is the communication between international governments.

Full Global
Experience Service

We service the world by creating, developing and establishing peaceful and successful resolutions through strategic planning.

Unprecedented Velocity. Impeccable Reliability.

Our elite team of Agents evaluates the situation and commits to procuring a logical and effective solution. Public civilians may also contact the U.I.A , proper invitations are also required to be considered and accepted. ​The Universal Intelligence Agency has no limitation to it's jurisdiction as we are not exclusive to any government agency.


Although we are proud to work alongside various international government agencies we also pride ourselves as being one of the leaders in global intelligence and unity. ​


Unfortunately the world isn't as peaceful as we'd like, luckily we can do our part to join in when needed. Invitations are confidential and reviewed carefully before accepting as it also depends on the issue at hand. Our team closely reviews, analyzes and decides the best course of action.

We Take Pride in Our Clients


Years of Experience


Business Partners


Satisfied Clients


Countries World Wide


Illustrious Awards

Our Partners

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Are You Ready to Extend Your Life?

The Universal Intelligence Agency was created to represent international corporate and government agencies along with public and individual civilians.

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